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Posted on 13.02.22 in Inštituti

Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry  Applied to Food Chemistry

Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Applied to Food Chemistry

Kemijski inštitut vabi v okviru Preglovega simpozija 17. 2. 2022 ob 13,00 na predavanje prof. dr. Paole Dugo z Univerze v Messini, Italija z naslovom Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Applied to Food Chemistry.

Food chemistry is continuously involved in the assessment of food quality and authenticity, control of technological processes, determination of nutritional values and detection of molecules with a possible beneficial effect (nutraceuticals) or a toxic effect on human health. Analytical methods should be capable to determine the main components of food samples, but also be selective and sensitive enough to determine minor components.

Chromatography has acquired a central role in food analysis, especially when combined to mass spectrometry. Conventional chromatography can present some limits in terms of resolving power or analysis time, that can be overcome, for example, using multidimensional chromatographic approaches.

As an alternative, innovative analytical techniques based on a shotgun MS approach could be a valid aid to obtain a fingerprint of different food products, building a database to be used in the determination of food authenticity and traceability study.

Different case studies will be presented.

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