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Posted on 1.02.23 in Inštituti

Ob mednarodnem dnevu žensk, predavanji na KI

Ob mednarodnem dnevu žensk, predavanji na KI

Kemijski inštitut (KI) pripravlja ob  mednarodnem dnevu žensk in deklet v znanosti, predavanji,  v ponedeljek, 13.2.2023, s pričetkom ob 13.00 uri, v Veliki predavalnici (1. nadstropje):

 ob 13.00  – prof. dr. Andreja Gomboc: THE EVER-CHANGING NIGHT SKY

For eons people considered the starry night sky to be eternal and unchanging. However, in the last two decades technological advancements opened a possibility to perform sky-surveys, which are repeatedly covering large areas of the sky and are detecting a number of new, transient sources of light. We know of several different types of physical processes in the Universe which can cause new, transient sources to appear, for example supernovae explosions, tidal disruption events, gamma ray bursts and gravitational wave events. Major breakthroughs are expected in the era of Vera C. Rubin Observatory and its Legacy Survey of Space and Time, which should detect millions of transients per night and may discover new, today unknown types of astrophysical transients.

Ob 14.00  – izr. prof. dr. Mojca Benčina: THE SOUND OF SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY AND IMMUNE RESPONSE

In this lecture, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mojca Benčina will take you on a journey through the last 10 years of research. The journey will start with an insight into the function of innate immunity and the importance of the TLR9 receptor in the response to infections. She will highlight the advances in the field of synthetic biology that have led research into a completely new field of sonogenetics, which combines synthetic biology with ultrasound. She will present the effects of ultrasound on the cell and the potential of sonogenetics in therapy.

Predavanji lahko spremljate tudi na daljavo

Meeting number (access code): 2734 905 2411
Meeting password: 9keVP3MmVq9

Dogodek bo potekal v angleškem jeziku.

Foto: KI

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