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Posted on 1.09.19 in Inštituti

Ren-Chung Cheng: The function and evolution of web decoration in Argiope spiders

Ren-Chung Cheng: The function and evolution of web decoration in Argiope spiders

V sredo, 4. septembra 2019, bo ob 13. uri, v Biološkem središču v Ljubljani predavanje Rena Chung Chenga z naslovom Deciphering Charlotte’s code: The function and evolution of web decoration in Argiope spiders.

Color plays an important role in the life of animals. Animals use color for foraging, predator avoidance, courtship, guided localization and individual identification. Recently, research had focused on the spectral sensitivity of animals and the importance of color in animal communication. Nonetheless, how animals use and perceive color is still not clear. Spiders of the genus Argiope often build conspicuous silk structures on their webs, called decoration, to increase their prey capture rate. In my talk, I will introduce how the attractiveness of decoration and its evolutionary history are strongly related to the insect visual system.«

Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku.


Foto: NIB

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